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Is water safe to drink in Vietnam?


Is water safe to drink in Vietnam?

Is water safe to drink in Vietnam?

Drinking tap water generally isn’t recommended in Vietnam. Drinking or eating products that may have been washed by tap water can upset your system and make you ill.

Is water safe to drink in Vietnam?
Is water safe to drink in Vietnam?

Can you drink tap water in Vietnam?

Drinking tap water is generally not recommended in Vietnam. Water contaminated with pathogenic organisms is a major source of sickness and can lead to travellers experiencing diarrhoea, gastroenteritis, typhoid, cholera, giardia, dysentery, and hepatitis A. It’s also advisable to avoid raw vegetables, fruits with edible skins and drinks with ice. Opt for cooked foods and fruits that need to be peeled instead.

Is water safe to drink in Vietnam?

For environmental reasons, try to avoid buying bottled water. Bring a reusable bottle or canteen (we recommend at least a 1.5 litre capacity) that can be refilled as needed. You could also bring purification tablets.

Is water safe to drink in Vietnam?

Some hotels we stay in may have drinking water available. Your leader can tell you where to find filtered water.

Would you like more detailed information on any of these steps or have any other specific questions, do feel free to contact us at contact.gotoday@gmail.com or Ph +84 912 932 969.

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